- Status: Exploration
- Commodities: U
- Deposit Types: Beaverlodge-Type Uranium, Unconformity-related Uranium

Project Scope
The Angilak Uranium Project is located approximately 225 km southwest of Baker Lake in the Kivalliq District of Nunavut, Canada. The project area contains the Lac Cinquante Uranium Deposit which is considered a Beaverlodge-type vein or structure hosted uranium deposit representing just one of many mineralization styles in the area whose formation can be attributed to magmatic processes associated with iron oxide-copper-gold deposits, or a variant on high-grade basement hosted deposits, similar to Eagle Point in the Athabasca region of Saskatchewan.
Historical exploration in the Angilak area started in 1970 resulting with Pan Ocean discovering the Lac Cinquante deposit during their involvement from 1975 to 1981 by means of significant drill campaigns but with very little documentation and data publicly available of those campaigns.
APEX Geoscience Ltd. provided field mapping, soil and rock grab sampling, re-logging and re-sampling of historical core and core logging services from 2007 to 2014. The first NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource was compiled by APEX and SIM Geological Inc. in 2011 and updated in 2012 and 2013 for Kivalliq Energy Corporation, which underwent a name change to ValOre Metals Corporation in 2019.
In spring 2022 APEX completed a large mobilization of fuel, reverse circulation (RC) drill equipment and supplies to the project, conducted a large magnetometer and very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) ground survey totalling 1,548 line-km. Additionally APEX managed the spring reverse circulation (RC) and summer core drilling programs providing project management, and logistics, sampling and logging services.