- Status: Exploration
- Commodities: Au, Cu, REE
- Deposit Types: Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG)

Project Scope
- Exploration Program Management and Support
- Drill Program Management: Diamond, Reverse Circulation (RC)
- Drill Program Supervision: Diamond, Reverse Circulation (RC)
- Geological Logging: Core, RC Chip
- Geochemical Sampling: Soil, Rock
- Geological Mapping
- Field Logistics
- Project Evaluation, and Analysis
- Exploration Program Design and Budgeting
- Data Compilation, Validation, Integration, and Analysis
- Community Engagement
- Data Compilation
- Geological Data Interpretation
- Assessment Report, Annual Reporting
APEX has worked with Norwest Minerals (Norwest) on multiple exploration projects across Western Australia since 2018. APEX has been involved in the full suite of project management for Norwest’s Arunta West project. Rugged terrain, remoteness and high temperatures imposed considerable challenges at a few of the projects, but the exploration programs were completed to high standards.
Norwest’s Arunta West Project is located in Western Australia, 600 kms west of Alice Springs, near the Northern Territory border. The Arunta West project is comprised of a 800 km2 land holding with a 100 km strike length in a largely under explored part of Australia. In order to test and evaluate this enormous land package APEX planned and executed large scale regional soil sampling programs (9,550 soil sample locations) that have led to the identification of three significant geochemical anomalies within the project, including 1) rare earth elements (REE), 2) LCT pegmatites (lithium), and 3) iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG). In 2018, on behalf of Norwest, APEX applied for the Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) government co-funded exploration diamond drilling grant application for a proposed diamond drill program at the North Dover’s prospect. The EIS co-funded drilling program is a competitive program which offers a 50 per cent refund for innovative exploration drill programs. Subsequent to the EIS approval, APEX provided drill supervision for the co-funded diamond drill program at Arunta West.