- Status: Exploration
- Commodities: Au, Cu
- Deposit Types: Shear, Vein

Project Scope
- Project Management
- Drill Program Management: Diamond, Reverse Circulation (RC)
- Drill Program Supervision: Diamond, Reverse Circulation (RC)
- Geological Logging: Core, RC Chip
- Geochemical Sampling: Soil, Rock
- Geological Mapping
- Field Logistics, Drone Survey
- Ground Magnetics
- Exploration Program Design and Budgeting
- Geological Data Interpretation
- Annual Reporting
APEX has worked with Norwest Minerals (Norwest) on multiple exploration projects across Western Australia since 2018. APEX has been involved in the full suite of project management for Norwest’s Bali projects. Rugged terrain, remoteness and high temperatures imposed considerable challenges at a few of the projects, but the exploration programs were completed to high standards.
The Bali Project lies within steep and rugged terrain in the Pilbara of Western Australia. The Bali Project includes an 8 km long shear being a major faulted zone proven to host copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver mineralisation. In 2018, exploration conducted by APEX, on behalf of Norwest, included geological mapping along the Bali Shear Zone and the collection of 87 rock chip samples from the Bali Hi, Bali Lo and Bali East prospects. Assaying of the rock chips resulted in 33 samples reporting above 5% copper, 17 samples returning an impressive 10% copper or greater and a best recorded sample assaying at 36.8% copper. The follow up drill program was planned and organized by APEX geologists. Due to the rugged terrain at the Bali Project, potential track access was scouted via helicopter. In 2022, APEX supervised heritage clearance, track and drill pad construction, and provided drill supervision and geological support for a 33-hole (3,886 m) RC drill program.