- Status: Advanced Exploration
- Commodities: Pb, Ag, Zn
- Deposit Types: Sediment-hosted

Project Scope
Since 2022, APEX has provided mineral exploration support in the form of geochemical soil sampling, geological mapping and drill rig supervision for Rumble Resources at their Earaheedy Project near Wiluna in Western Australia.
The Earaheedy Project is located 110 km north of Wiluna, Western Australian in the Earaheedy Basin. Exploration by Rumble Resources has delineated a 13 x 2 km Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu mineralisation footprint that is open in all directions. A total of five mineralisation styles have been identified within the Earaheedy Project, with recent drilling outlining laterally extensive, flat lying, unconformity related Zn-Pb-Ag sulphide mineralisation at the Chinook and Tonka-Navajoh prospects.