- Status: Exploration
- Commodities: Au
- Deposit Types: Lode Gold

Project Scope
APEX provided exploration support to Ausgold at the Katanning Gold Project and the Yamarna Project from 2010 to 2012.
The Katanning Gold Project is located 275 km south-east of Perth and approximately 40 km north-east of the town of Katanning in southwestern, Western Australia. The tenements cover over 4,000 km2 of the Katanning Greenstone Belt in the south-west corner of the Yilgarn Craton, which hosts some of Australia’s largest gold deposits (Boddington Gold mine). Gold mineralisation has been identified over 20 kilometres of strike at the Katanning Gold Project and the project contains a JORC 2012-compliant Mineral Resource Estimate of 56 million tonnes at 1.21g/t gold for 2,160,000 ounces, of which 1,784,000 ounces are in the Measured and Indicated categories.
Following Ausgold’s acquisition of the Katanning Gold Project in 2010, APEX provided geological support in the form of drill supervision and chip logging for one RC drill rig. Significant gold was intersected in the initial drill program at the Katanning Gold Program. Following this, Ausgold planned an aggressive multi-rig resource definition RC drill program with a total of 323 RC holes (38,293 m) completed from July 2010 to June 2011. Ausgold’s resource program continued into 2012 with 299 RC holes (53,096 m), 13 diamond core holes (3,236 m) and 276 regional aircore (AC) drillholes (9,368 m) completed at the project from July 2011 to June 2012.