- Status: Exploration
- Commodities: Au, Al, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn
- Deposit Types: Sediment-hosted, Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS)

Project Scope
- Exploration Program Management
- Drill Program Management: Diamond, Reverse Circulation (RC)
- Drill Program Supervision: Diamond, Reverse Circulation (RC)
- Geological Logging: Core, RC Chip
- Geochemical Sampling: Soil, Rock
- Geological Mapping
- Field Logistics
- Ground Magnetics
- Project Evaluation, and Analysis
- Exploration Program Design and Budgeting
- Data Compilation, Validation, Integration, and Analysis
- Community Engagement
- Geological Data Interpretation
- Annual Reporting
APEX has worked with Norwest Minerals (Norwest) on multiple exploration projects across Western Australia since 2018. APEX has been involved in the full suite of project management for Norwest’s Marymia project. Rugged terrain, remoteness and high temperatures imposed considerable challenges at a few of the projects, but the exploration programs were completed to high standards.
The Marymia Project is situated 10 km to the east of Norwest’s Bulgera Project. APEX provided project management, drill supervision, chip logging and sampling for Norwest’s 6,000 m AC drill program in 2021. The drill program intersected significant Ni, Pb and Zn mineralisation near the Jenkins Fault, a regional structure associated with several base metal deposits in the area (including Sandfire Resources NL’s DeGrussa copper mine).