- Status: Exploration
- Commodities: Au
- Deposit Types: Epithermal, Porphyry

Project Scope
- QP Site visit
- Project Management
- Drill Management: Core, RC
- Geological Logging: Core
- Geological Mapping
- Geochemical Sampling: Rock, Soil
- Ground magnetics
- Exploration program design and budgeting
- Data compilation, validation, integration, and analysis
- Assessment Report
- Data compilation, validation, integration, and analysis
- Geological Modelling
- Geological Data Interpretation
- Geophysical Data Processing and Interpretation
- Technical Report
APEX has been working with Thesis Gold Inc. on their Ranch project since it’s acquisition in 2020. The Ranch project is a high sulphidation epithermal system with porphyry potential, located in the prolific Toodoggone region of the Stikine Terrane in north central British Columbia. The Toodoggone Region is part of the larger ‘Golden Horseshoe’ trend of known gold mineralization in northern BC.
High-sulphidation epithermal mineralization is found throughout the property, with prospective porphyry targets indicated at depth by geophysical studies.
The Jurassic-aged Lower Toodoggone formation hosts high-grade gold and silver mineralization in vuggy silica-sulphate altered rock and barite-rich hydrothermal breccias. Mineralization is concentrated by NW-NNE trending fault systems which are visible in outcrop, drill core, and geophysical surveys.
The property has been explored and mined sporadically since the early seventies, producing more than 10,000 oz Au from three pits.
Ongoing work at the site identified mineralization in past producing and new areas.
Primary metallurgical testing has demonstrated 90-98% gold recovery using conventional, low-cost extraction methods.
The Ranch property encompasses 36 contiguous mineral claims covering approximately 180 km2, these claims are 100% owned by Thesis Gold, Inc.
Key Consultants Involved
Rachelle Hough
BSc, P.Geo. Senior Geologist -
Shannon Broughm
MSc, P.Geo. Project Geologist -
Emily Laycock
MSc, P.Geo. Senior Consultant - Exploration -
Warren Black
MSc, P.Geo. Senior Consultant - Mineral Resources & Geostatistics -
Ryan Golby
Project Geologist -
Jason Hinde
MSc, G.I.T. Geologist -
Alix Lachaud
MASc, E.I.T. Project Geologist