- Status: Advanced Exploration
- Commodities: Co, Ni, Sc
- Deposit Types: Laterite

Project Scope
APEX provided exploration support to Australian Mines at the Sconi Project from 2017 to 2020. APEX undertook on-site project management, which included RC drill supervision, chip logging and sampling, as well as on site QA/QC management.
The Sconi Project is located 190 km west-northwest of Townsville, Queensland, and is comprised of the Bell Creek, Minnamoolka, Kokomo, Greenvale and Lucknow deposits. Mineralisation at the Sconi Project is associated with laterisation over ultramafic rocks emplaced within the major Burdekin River fault zone. The JORC Compliant Ore Reserve for the Sconi Project is 8.08 million tonnes at 0.72% Ni, 0.09% Co and 44 ppm Sc (Proven); 49.22 Million tonnes at 0.55% Ni, 0.08% Co and 33 ppm Sc (Probable) for a Total Reserve of 57.30 Million tonnes at 0.58% Ni, 0.08% Co and 35 ppm Sc (Australia Mines ASX Release dated 13 June, 2019).