Fallon Clarke BSc, P.Geo.
Senior Geologist
Fallon is a Professional Geologist with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS), is a Qualified Person (QP) and has worked as a geologist for more than ten years since her graduation from the University of Saskatchewan in 2010. Ms. Clarke has experience with exploration for precious and base metal deposits of various deposit types in North America and Australia, including epithermal Au-Ag, Carlin-type Au, Archean greenstone gold and magmatic hosted Cu-Ni-PGE.
Since joining APEX in 2010, Fallon has provided a broad range of consulting services, including exploration data analysis and interpretation, technical writing and reporting, public reporting compliance to the standards of NI 43-101 and JORC, project management of a large (seven drill) multimillion dollar resource definition drill program in Western Australia, and project management of road and helicopter based drill programs in remote locations in the Australian outback and the Canadian Arctic.
Services Provided
- Technical Report Writing
- Public Reporting Compliance
- Assessment Report Writing
- Project Management from greenfields soil sampling to resource definition drill programs
Data Analysis and Interpretation - Target Generation
- Drill planning and supervision
Deposit Styles
- Epithermal Gold ± Silver (Canadian Cordillera/Mexico)
- Sedimentary-hosted (Carlin-type) (southwest USA)
- Archaen Greenstone Gold (Western Australia)
- Magmatic hosted Copper-Nickel-PGE (Yilgarn Craton Western Australia)
- Banded Iron Formation (Canadian Arctic)
- Unconformity-related Uranium (Thelon Basin Canada)
- Oil Reservoir Bakken Formation (Williston Basin Canada)