Garrett Harris MSc, P.Geo.
Project Geologist
Garrett completed his BSc (2014) and MSc (2018) at the University of Alberta including a thesis titled Mantle composition, age and geotherm beneath the Darby kimberlite field, west central Rae Craton. He is registered as a Professional Geologist (P. Geo.) with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA). Joining APEX in 2018, he has exploration experience on projects from grass-roots to advanced stages. Garrett has worked on numerous deposit types including orogenic gold, copper-gold hydrothermal, copper-cobalt systems, copper-molybdenum porphyry, lithium pegmatites, SEDEX, volcanic massive sulphide, carlin-type, kimberlite deposits, and unconformity-related uranium deposits.
Garrett has overseen project implementation for new clients which includes project generation, data conversion, validation and management, data compilation and GIS integration, target delineation and project budgeting. Exploration work has comprised of project management, prospecting, sample collection, geological mapping, geochemical sampling, collection and control of secured samples, drill program management and ground magnetics. He has contributed to several assessment and technical reports (NI-43-101) involving 3-D modelling for resource estimation. Currently he is the Project Leader for Freeman Gold Corp’s Lemhi Gold Deposit. Other recent projects include Idaho Cobalt Operation-Jervois, Basin Gulch-Lannister Mining, Soap Gulch-Private, Bujagali and Kilembe-Jervois.
Services Provided
- Project Generation
- Data Conversion
- Validation and Management
- Data Compilation and GIS Integration
- Target Delineation
- Project Budgeting
- Project Management
- Prospecting
- Sample Collection
- Geological Mapping
- Drill Core Logging
- Geochemical Sampling
- Collection and Control of Secured Samples
- Drill Program Management
- Ground Magnetics
- Assessment and Technical Reports (NI-43-101)
- 3-D Modelling for Resource Estimation
Deposit Styles
- Orogenic Gold Deposits (Nunavut, Canada)
- Lode Gold Deposits (Idaho, USA & Uganda)
- Copper-Molybdenum Porphyry (Arizona, USA)
- Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits (British Columbia, Canada & Idaho, USA)
- Carlin-type Gold Deposits (Nevada, USA)
- Copper-Cobalt Sedimentary Exhalative Deposits (Idaho, USA; Montana, USA & Uganda)
- Copper-Gold Hydrothermal (Uganda; British Columbia; USA)
- Gold-Silver Diatreme Deposits (Montana, USA)
- Volcanic Massive Sulphide Deposits (Idaho, USA & Uganda)
- Unconformity Related Uranium Deposits (Saskatchewan, Canada)
- Kimberlite Deposits (Northern Canada; Botswana)