Meghan Moher MSc, G.I.T.
Project Geologist
Meghan received a B.Sc. in Geology (2015) and M.Sc. in Earth Sciences (2018) where she constrained the timing Cretaceous exhumation in the Yukon through thermochronology. Since 2019, she has been a Geologist-in-training (GIT) with the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC). Prior to joining APEX in 2021, she worked with numerous mineral exploration companies and completed multiple contracts with various government and academic organizations. Since joining APEX, Meghan has provided a broad range of consulting services including project implementation and technical report writing. She has been involved in multiple diamond drilling programs located in remote areas of Canada and USA.
Services Provided
- Exploration targeting via geological mapping, data interpretation
- Project management
- Project budgeting
- Sample collection
- Drill core logging
- Technical report writing
- Assessment report writing
- Data compilation and GIS integration
- Data conversion, validation, and management
- Training and mentoring junior employees
Deposit Styles
- Porphyry Copper-Gold and Copper-Molybdenum Systems (Canadian Cordillera)
- Volcanic Massive Sulphide Deposits (Abitibi Belt, Québec; Flin Flon Belt, Manitoba; and Canadian Cordillera)
- Orogenic Gold Deposits (Canadian Cordillera)
- Carlin-type Sedimentary Disseminated Gold Deposits (southwest USA)
- Sediment-hosted/vein (Keno Hill Silver District, Yukon)
- Unconformity-related Uranium (Nunavut)