Roy Eccles MSc, P. Geol., P. Geo.

Vice President - Corporate Operations

Roy Eccles, M.Sc. P. Geol. P. Geo., is an actively practicing Professional Geologist. Roy obtained his M.Sc. at the University of Alberta completing a thesis on the Petrogenesis of the Northern Alberta Kimberlite Province ( Roy has over 35 years experience, and as a Senior Professional Geological Consultant, is entitled to perform as a Qualified/Competent Person for a substantial range of mineral commodity and deposit types.

Roy’s mineral research experience encompasses a wide range of geological processes (from upper mantle dynamics through to biogeochemical tree top orientation surveys), and commodities including intrusion-, Phanerozoic- and Precambrian-related mineral deposits. Roy’s recent interest is specialty and critical metals, and is internationally recognized for research on, and knowledge of, mineral resources related to the evolving green energy technology sector.

Roy has a prolific publication record that includes over 85 technical reports (National Instrument 43-101, Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee, United States Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K), over 70 government and journal manuscripts, over 80 scientific, guest speaker and short course presentations, over 35 media interviews, and coordinated 8 strategic alliance research studies.

As a process-orientated Chief Operations Officer, Roy oversees and provides direction on APEX Geoscience Ltd.’s leadership, communications, organizational framework, policies, safety, short- and long-term strategies, and business development.

Services Provided

  • Chief Operations Officer and Senior Consultant for APEX Geoscience Ltd., an international geological consulting company that conducts project management, exploration, due-diligence reporting, and resource estimations for variety of clients ranging from grassroots exploration projects through to mine feasibility.
  • Qualified Person: Professional Geologist (P. Geol. P. Geo.) experience for a large range of commodities that includes thorough knowledge and understanding of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101), CIM definition standards and best practice guidelines, Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC), and United States Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K (S-K 1300).
  • Productive publication history of NI 43-101, JORC, and S-K 1300 technical reports (n=85), including maiden and advanced classification resource models and estimations.
  • Mentoring and project/client advice through advanced experience of mineral exploration geochemical methodologies, interpretation for various sample media, and industry-government and industry-security administrator relations.

Deposit Styles

  • Critical and Specialty Mineral Deposits
    • Critical elements for renewable resource projects
    • Lithium (potassium, bromine, boron, iodide) confined aquifer bine deposits
    • Large-flake graphite
    • Heavy-mineral sand (zirconium, titanium, thorium, tungsten, rare-earth elements)
    • Lithium-enriched salar and dry lake deposits
    • Rare earth element deposits in multiple settings
  • Intrusion-Related Deposits
    • Diamondiferous kimberlite
    • Alkaline and carbonatite intrusion rare-earth element
    • Magmatic nickel-copper-platinum group ultramafic
  • Phanerozoic-Related Sedimentary Deposits
    • Sediment-Hosted Metallic
    • Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) zinc-lead-silver
    • Cretaceous polymetallic black shale, including rare-earth elements
    • Devonian Mississippi Valley-Type lead-zinc
    • Stratabound Carlin-Type gold
    • Ooidal ironstone
    • Placer gold
    • Potassium chlorite (potash): sylvite, polyhalite, langbeinite and carnallite
  • Precambrian-Related Deposits
    • Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide
    • Precious Metal Deposits
    • Orogenic (mesothermal) gold
    • Epithermal gold
    • Sediment-hosted gold
  • Industrial Mineral Deposits
    • Silica sand/frac sand/proppant (bedrock and Quaternary eolian dune deposits)
    • Silica specialty glass sand (solar glass)
    • Crush rock, and sand and gravel aggregate
    • Sodium chloride intended as a de-icer (road salt)
    • Salt dome storage caverns
    • Phosphate
    • Gypsum
